The Fuel House Updates

The Fuel House Family is just that – a family made up of staff, members and guests we serve.  The health, safety and overall wellbeing of our family and yours is always our top priority. 

With this in mind, we have been closely monitoring the rapidly changing situation around the COVID-19 (commonly referred to as the coronavirus), responding to new information as it arises and preparing for all possible scenarios, with the goal of continuing to safely serve everyone.

We Will Still Be Open

The Fuel House and Ten & Two Coffee will still be open for business, but we are asking any staff feeling ill, have a fever above 100.5, cough and shortness of breath to stay home and take care of themselves.  Staff will not return to work until they are symptom free for 24 hours without the aid of medications.

In this time, The Fuel House and Ten & Two Coffee will continue to serve all our members and guests with the highest standards and will continue to provide a great experience.  We will continue to monitor the situation and communicate any changes.

Your Safety is Highest Priority

Our top priority is everyone’s health and wellbeing.  The Fuel House and Ten & Two Coffee will be heightening our existing process and procedures by implementing the following:

  • Hand-washing is always a priority, but we will be doubling our efforts and ensuring that not only hand washing is being done but being done thoroughly. 

  • All public surfaces will be wiped down more often throughout the day and extra attention to disinfecting and cleaning.  This includes items such as counters, chairs, coolers, handles, etc.

  • Employees will be required to wear gloves when disinfecting and cleaning and gloves changed after disinfecting and cleaning is completed.

  • Gloves will be provided for employees if they choose to wear during shift. 

  • If employees choose to wear gloves, gloves should be changed on an hourly basis.

  • Employees should avoid shaking hands as a greeting.

  • Employees are encouraged to practice preventative hygiene

  • Avoid contact with sick people

  • Avoid touching eyes, nose or mouth with unwashed hands

  • Cover mouth and nose with a tissue, sleeve or elbow.  Not hands when coughing or sneezing.

Thank you for your support!

The Fuel House Management Team